Improving call centre efficiency and customer experience for an automotive glass repair company

  • £250,000 ROI realised after six months
  • 52% increase in mentions of the online portal for self-service
  • Repeat calls decreased by 20% and an 18% increase in compliance alignment


A leading automotive glass repair company approached Davies with concerns about its UK-based call centre performance. The average handle time, accuracy, compliance, and repeat call rates were trending negatively. The company sought to improve these metrics while encouraging customers to use their online portal for tracking progress, reducing the need for repeated inbound calls.

How we helped

Davies started with a deep dive analysis, including call listening, focus groups with staff at all levels, and a review of existing systems and processes. Four key areas for improvement were identified: sales conversion rate, personalised customer experience, internal efficiencies, and compliance numbers.

We then provided the automotive glass repair company with a bespoke quality framework, an interactive themed training programme, and a team manager coaching programme. A new structure called “The Cube” was created, which focused on six key components:

  • Compliance
  • Conversion
  • Control (Efficiency and AHT)
  • Customer (CSAT/CES/NPS)
  • Advisor
  • Team Leader

The training was delivered through workshops, e-learning modules, and train-the-trainer sessions.


The implementation of “The Cube” programme led to significant improvements in call centre performance. Compliance alignment experienced an increase of 18%, while mentions of the online portal for self-service surged by 52%. The automotive glass repair company saw a 22% increase in online portal use by customers and a 22% improvement in product ID questioning, which helped reduce wastage and repeat calls. Additionally, the accuracy of email address capture rose by 1.5%.

By integrating this content into its new joiner programme, the automotive glass repair company has been able to sustain these improved metrics with new advisors. The programme has resulted in enhanced customer experience, increased operational efficiency, and a positive return on investment.

Adam Eckersely

Head of Digital Experiences


Felicity Whyte

Growth & Innovation Consultant

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