Increasing sales and customer experience through blended learning for global consumer brand brand

  • 5% sales conversion increase (on average) across the 13 countries that fully implemented the programme (YOY)
  • 50% increase in average order value for central Europe in the 12 weeks post-training
  • Achieved 95% learner satisfaction on all digital modules and 90% satisfaction on human-led, virtual learning


Our client, a leading consumer retail brand, aimed to develop stronger sales, service, and customer experience (CX) outcomes in their retail and contact centre teams. With customers increasingly focused on digital channels, the client’s contact centre agents had limited and varied sales conversation experience across voice, chat, and email, resulting in missed growth opportunities. The client recognised the need for real change within their sales teams to enhance their customer experience and sales capability.

How we helped

Davies conducted cross-cultural focus groups, reviewed existing support materials, and interviewed stakeholders to understand the client’s business, operational insights, and wider objectives. This comprehensive approach led to the creation of a learning strategy to improve and evolve the retailer’s sales capability.

We developed a blended learning approach combining digital and virtually delivered human-led learning, along with supporting tools for leaders to ensure sustained learning. We assisted the client in shifting to a “sales through service” tactic for customer interactions across digital channels, transforming their customer engagement approach.

Davies provided the client with a 16-hour transformational curriculum, customised for their core business and further contextualised for individual specialisms when needed. This training is now integrated into the onboarding programs for all new contact centre employees across 31 countries.


Our learning experiences were positively received by employees with an average of 97% learner satisfaction for the human-led team leader session, 95% learner satisfaction on all digital modules, and 90% learner satisfaction on human-led, virtual learning. The programme saw 1,491 completions for increasing sales through service and our bespoke digital and non-mandatory micro modules supported the development of 3,500 learners globally, creating a curious culture of learning.

The implementation of the programme resulted in a 50% increase in average order value for central Europe in the 12 weeks post-training, an average of 5% sales conversion increase across the 13 countries that fully implemented the programme (YOY), and NPS increased from 15 to 58 for North America sales teams.

These results demonstrate the positive impact of our blended learning solutions on the global consumer  brand’s sales performance and customer experience.

Adam Eckersely

Head of Digital Experiences

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