Providing specialist resourcing for the world's largest building society

  • A 10-year ongoing relationship with the client
  • Successfully supported 21 individual projects
  • Provided over 100 full-time equivalent (FTE) specialists


Our client, the world’s largest building society, boasting around 700 branches and assets of approximately £250 billion, faced two business-critical challenges: a large-scale customer remediation programme and a targeted deep-dive exercise within a specific demographic. The first project had become high profile, while the second was a proactive effort initiated by the society.

How we helped

Davies was tasked with assembling a specialist team of Complaints and Remediation Case Handlers across various locations, both quickly and accurately. We complemented this team with Team Leaders, Quality Assessors (QAs), and Trainers, which allowed the permanent leadership to concentrate on the programme’s strategic direction.

We categorised the work streams into simple and complex cases, enabling us to bring in cost-effective graduate resources for handling straightforward resolutions, while experienced Case Handlers managed complex, sensitive, and overdue cases. The team eventually grew to over 100 FTE.

Following the success of the initial project, we were asked to provide a smaller, specialised team for the deep-dive exercise, which was overseen by a Big 4 Consultancy. We selected some of our most talented Case Handlers, who were already familiar with the internal systems, allowing them to start the work without delay.


Davies’ flexible approach has fostered a relationship with the building society that has lasted over ten years, during which we have supported a variety of remediation, complaints, and specialist projects and programmes.

Our ability to scale resources according to workload, budgets, and other business demands has made us a trusted partner. The organisation has referred us to other areas across the business due to our deep understanding of their work culture, expectations, and our unwavering commitment to delivering excellent customer/member experiences.


Joe Wood

Relationship Manager - Consulting & Technology

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